Circular Economy Project – BiH: Inaugural Local Experts Project Team Meeting – Sarajevo

This month marks the end of the project inception phase out in Bosnia and Hercegovina and it has been a challenging phase of the project in many ways. I am pleased that it is over and we can get down to the Implementation Phase of the project. We managed to submit all the Inception Report and annexes to the EUD to BiH on 19th December and that formally close that chapter of the project.

In this regard it was great to meet all the local experts at our first project team meeting at our IPSA Institute meeting room on Wednesday the 18th December. The meeting was arranged to discuss the work plan and task schedule for the first activity of the project. We went through the tasks and allocated responsible persons for their completion. This process has now given us all a clear road map from now till the 31st Narch 2025 and the completion of the first project activity.

The whole meeting and the catering was arranged by our office manager Lejla Sahacic from CETEOR . CETEOR are our local sub-contractor and none of our progress to date would have been possible without the excellent operational support we have had from Vedad Suljic and his team at CETEOR. They have been crucial to the completion of the Inception Phase and continue to provide excellent levels of operational support.

It was also really nice to follow the meeting up with lunch at the Dveri Restaurant in the old town in Sarajevo. The bread with kaymak, tomato soup and cabbage salad is incredible.

I am looking forward to many more visits but my waistline is not.

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