Circular Economy Project – BiH: Inaugural Project Steering Committee Meeting – Sarajevo
This month marked a significant milestone on the Circular Economy project in Bosnia & Hercegovina as we completed the Inception Report and were therefore able to host the first Project Steering Committee meeting. It has been a challenging few weeks on the project but we are hopefully back on track now with the completion of the Inception Phase. We now turn our attention to the Implementation phase and the first activities of the project.
The steering committee meeting was held in Sarajevo and it was really good to meet the members of the committee and go through the outputs of the Inception Phase together. The meeting is also an opportunity for the members of the committee to get an insight into the implementation plans in a bit more detail than was outlined on the implementation methodology.
The steering committee are really supportive of the project and its aims and objectives. They all have a clear understanding of what the expectation level is from this technical assistance project and how they can optimise the benefits from it for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We have a three monthly cycle of project steering committee meetings I am really looking forward to working with them over the course of the project lifetime. The next meeting is planned for the end of March 2025 and this will work in well with the completion of the first activity of the implementation phase.