November 2024: Moth House – Hunters Quay, Dunoon, Argyll

We have not had much time to progress work on the site for the moth house over at Hunters Quay in Argyll and have been heavily reliant on the excellent Ross Petro and his professional team at Argyll Forestry Service Limited. They have been very active on site clearing fallen and dead trees so that we can prepare a decent area, in terms of a footprint, for the moth house to be located. We are also clearing some non-native conifers to allow for the growth of the native deciduous trees on site.

Kate and I have also manged to spend a bit of time at the site clearing the smaller bits of vegetation and I am hopeful that Ross and the Team can finalise the job before the festive period.

The moth house will give us an opportunity to have a place where we can breed and rear the moths that will allow us to develop more child learning packages based on moth species that can be easily reared in the classroom.

We have spent a lot of time and effort this year looking at different species and working with them to determine the ease of their rearing and care. I hope that we can really progress this concept further in 2025 with the completion of the moth house and also with the development of more learning materials.   

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