We passed an important project milestone on the End of Waste Project in Turkiye as we conducted the last Project Steering Committee Meeting on 7th February.
The last one had been done in September 2024 so there was a lot of information to disseminate to the key project stakeholders and to the end recipient in particular.
We have had a number of technical meetings, earlier in November, with the Ministry and had managed to prepare a number of draft pieces of legislation and guidance for their consideration.
It was an opportunity to highlight the project achievements aligned to the expected results from the Terms of Reference and I am delighted to say that we are on track to complete the project activities by middle of March as planned.
This will include a series of training workshops in February with the Provincial Directorate staff who are responsible for much of the environmental permit inspection across Turkiye. There will also be a training session with the Ministry Department responsible for the implementation of the End of Waste Regulation on 28th February.
The plan was to complete all activities by end of February and to have time in March to prepare the final report for the project and also to polish the final project outputs in terms of the guidelines and the Regulations.
Finally it was a chance to have time to focus on the closing event which will be a half day conference in the second week of April. That will be the final milestone of the project and will bring this project and the associated last two years of technical assistance to a close.